Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pelosi Continuing to Put Off America's Most Important Issue

Today, due to the cost of oil decreasing, OPEC released that oil production will be cut by 500,000 barrels/day. This will decrease the supply and increase the cost of gasoline in your tank at the pump. American money spent at the pumps on foreign oil may find its way into the hands of terrorists overseas. The citizens of this country need to be able to continue their daily lives without going broke and remain safe in a post 9/11 world. The dependence on foreign oil must end now.

Today we must invest in alternative sources of energy. This includes energy from wind, solar, hydro-electric, fuel-cell, clean-coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. The use of natural gas appears promising. First off, emissions from vehicles powered by natural gas are much cleaner than that of gasoline. Secondly, America has enough natural gas to run its vehicles for 60 years. During this 60 year process, we will continue to search and develop more alternative sources of energy.

For once in a few hundred years, France has done something right. 80% of their electricity is produced by nuclear power reducing their dependence on foreign oil. I have not been one to say that we should imitate France at anything, but nuclear produced electricity is something that France has done right. America's nuclear power plants already have cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20%. In an environmentally conscious time in history, Americans should drastically increase the amount of nuclear power produced.

Not only do we need to work on these long term solutions, but we need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil now! We need to drill here and drill now! We do not need to rely on these foreign governments for oil. Our stock market should not jump with OPEC's decisions. We need to increase off shore drilling and create new U.S. refineries for the first time in 30 years. We need to drill in Alaska and the Arctic Circle. By producing more oil here at home, we can find temporary relief in our pockets at home and our war on terror overseas.

For months, the Pelosi democratic lead Congress has continued to put off developing a new energy plan, even recently taking a 5 week summer recess while gas prices continued their upward journey. Some American citizens feel like they have to take out a mortgage on their homes to buy a tank of gas. Pelosi doesn't see it that way. With September 26 proposed as the last meeting for the 110th Congress, there is not much time left in the session to fix America's biggest problem.

Today, the democrats once again used procedural methods to keep a comprehensive energy plan from coming to a vote. Instead, the democratic majority party showed that they thought that discussing the testing of a river in Arizona was more important. The democratic congress, which has a much lower approval rating than George W. Bush, needs to get back in touch with America. America needs this comprehensive energy plan and America wants it now. According to American Solutions, 81% of Americans want greater use of domestic energy resources. A Rasmussen poll concludes that 67% of Americans support off shore drilling.

Congress Representative Westmoreland started the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less Petition which currently has 196 signatures of Congress Representatives. Despite representing a constituency in need of financial relief in gas prices, Congressman Heath Shuler, elected 2 years ago as a conservative blue-dog democrat, refused to sign the petition, proving that he is just another one of Pelosi's liberal puppets in D.C.

Now is the time to contact your congress representative and let your voice be heard. H.R. 6001 - Main Street U.S.A. Energy Act is a comprehensive energy plan by Congressman Steve Buyer. This gas price relief in the form of a bill co-sponsored by 21 other congress representatives, including North Carolina's Robin Hayes, Sue Myrick, and Patrick McHenry, has been ignored by the liberals controlling Washington. Now is the time to contact your congress representative and tell them that you want to see H.R. 6001 - Main Street U.S.A. Energy Act come before Congress for a vote before your representatives in Washington take a long undeserved vacation until January.


Marcus said...

See, now this getting closer to political discourse. I agree with you on most points. The failure of congress to create a comprehensive energy plan is an embarrassing display of political cowardice. They know they will offend somebody, whether it is environmentalists or drill proponents. I, however, disagree with the drill now initiative. Non-renewable recourses will run out eventually. Add to that the possibility (emphasis) that global warming is a reality and it seems in the best interest of our future to solely pursue renewable energy. But that is an opinion.

I don't, however, agree with a "comprehensive" energy plan who's sole solution is "drill now." That's not very comprehensive and does nothing more than create the inevitability of another oil crisis. We should take the hit and solve it now.

Marcus said...

I kind of feel like I'm spamming your blog now, Tim. Still, its good to talk politics.

Hope all is well!

The Carolina Conservative said...

Oddly enough, I agree.. but disagree. I agree that we should not put forward a comprehensive energy plan with the main part of the plan as drilling. Drilling here and drilling now is a short term fix. This does not solve our long term problems. Global warming is not as big of an issue as the inventor of the internet would like you to believe. The IFCC who were the first to report about Global Warming have also reported that by 2020 we will be entering an Ice Age. Former presidential failure Al Gore just exaggerated a little bit and made a few million of a Michael Moore type documentary.

Although, climate change and how we play a role in the changing climate has become important this environmentally conscious America cannot look past the American economy going down the drain because of the dependence on foreign oil. We must drill here, drill now while working on converting a large percent of American Cars to American piped natural gas and beginning the largest investment in research and creation of new sources of energy.


My blog must have worked! lol. The Pelosi lead Congress has announced that there will be a comprehensive energy program coming out in the few remaining days before vacation. It turns out the Democrats just wanted their name attached as the author instead of a Republican. I think that is stupid partisan politics, but at least America will see action. This bill to be presented also includes Drilling Here and Drilling Now. The liberals have announced that the drilling component of this bill will allow drilling off the coast of California. I am sure this bill only allows the minimum of drilling to please the American public, but at least America is being heard. The democrat puppet of Pelosi did not mention of the alternative sources of energy which America will be investing its future in. I hope the Democrats are smart enough to realize we do need alternates.