Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday night was overshadowed by the god-like Greek temple stage design. This design, by Britney Spears's set designer, was far more spectacular and celebrity-like than anything Britney could have imagined. The fact that Obama feels like he needs a stage of this caliber simply shows Obama's egotism and disconnect with middle America.
A few weeks ago America watched as the former presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards announced that egotism was the cause of his political suicide. Obama's celebrity-like and "big head" won't cause him to cheat on a wife dieing of cancer, but it has already caused Obama to disconnect with a majority of hard-working rural Americans.
At the announcement of McCain's surprise vice-presidential pick of Governor Sarah Palin this past Friday morning, Obama once again attempted political suicide. The Obama campaign's official response attacked the republican opponent by stating, "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000.... a heartbeat away from the presidency."
Obama first showed his division and intolerance of rural America back in April at a San Francisco fundraiser when he said that the people of Small-Town America, "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them".
These knee jerk reactions of Obama and his campaign clearly show a hatred toward rural Americans. Unfortunately the Obama lemmings have already overlooked his connections with known terrorists, his far left voting record in the United States Senate, and the fact that Obama is the most inexperienced candidate to ever run for president. Why would a little thing like classicism make Obama supporters change their minds?